Saturday, August 6, 2016

The story of each animal in Walking With Monsters 3: Clash of Titans

Gorgonops: The first half of the episode, taking place during the late Permian, is focused primarily on the Gorgonops. The episode demonstrates that this mammal-like reptile already has some mammalian traits that are more advanced than in case of Dimetrodon: more heterogenous teeth (including the first sabre-like canines in the history of the planet), mammal-like posture and the beginnings of social interaction between the members of this species. This episode also depicts the Gorgonops hunting other animals of the Permian period - Scutosaurus, Rhinesuchus and Diictodon. Regardless of being the top predator of its age, the Gorgonops still goes extinct during the Permian-Triassic extinction event, without leaving any direct descendants.

Diictodon: Diictodon was seen as prey for Gorgonopsid.

Rhinesuchus: It was living in a local waterhole. It was first seen attacking a Gorgonopsid by accident. It then escaped and swam away. After a herd of Scutosaurus drank most of the water in the waterhole, the Labyrinthodont was seen resting on shallow water. It then swam into deep water when a Gorgonopsid arrived. When the dry season hit, all of the water evaporated therefore leaving the Labyrinthodont stranded. It wrapped itself in a cocoon just before a Gorgonopsid unearthed the animal and ate it.

Scutosaurus: A old male Scutosaurus was seen alone in the Siberian desert until a Inostrancevia or Gorgonopsid attacked and killed it. Later, a whole herd of Scutosaurus came and started feeding on plants near several Diictodon burrows and drinking from the local waterhole. After feeding on all that was available, the herd left the area for good.

Lystrosaurus: Lystrosaurus was depicted as a herd moving animal in the early Triassic, just as the modern antelope do. There's some evidence to support this, since paleontologists found Lystrosaurus fossils in herds when they perished. Lystrosaurus was also depicted to be a good swimmer, since it was able to cross a river, although Proterosuchus killed several of them.

Euparkeria: It was contrasted with the dominant reptiles of the early Triassic time period - dicynodonts like Lystrosaurus - who died-out by the end of the Triassic, while Euparkeria went on to (theoretically) evolve into such dinosaurs as the Allosaurus.

Euchambersia: The therocephalians were briefly featured in the last episode of WWM as nocturnal hunters. On one hand, they were ambushers that used sudden attacks to overwhelm their prey. On the other, they lived in family groups and fed together after the prey animal was down.

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