Saturday, August 6, 2016

The story of each animal in Walking With Monsters 1: Water Dwellers

Anomalocaris: Anomalocaris (more specifically, the Chinese tailed Anomalocaris Saron) features in the 1st half of Water Dwellers. In that episode, Anomalocaris is initially depicted finding a trilobite (a first-person view in even shown for a few seconds) and proceeding to grab it with its "great appendage," rocking it back and fourth, and then eating it once its meal's armor splits. 2 Anomalocaris them get into a fight for reasons unspecified, wounding one and breaking his armor. The wounded Anomalocaris then is discovered and eaten by a school of Haikouichthys. Then Tim Haines the narrator says that Hailouichthys is our ancestor and evolves into a jawless fish called Cephalaspis.

Haikouicthys: A school of Haikouichthys were also seen in the 1st half of the episode. They harrased a wounded Anomalocaris after it lost a fight. In the end, 1 started evolving into Cephalaspis.

Redlichiida: They were feeding until one was eaten by an Anomalocaris. Creature information Scientific name: Unknown species of Redlichiida trilobite (WWM) Isotelus Rex.

Cephalaspis: Cephalaspis appeared in the first episode. Several were seen swimming away from a Brontoscorpio. One was feeding until a Brontoscorpio appeared. It changed direction when it detected a Pterygotus underneath the seabed and escaped while Brontoscorpio got captured and eaten. Later, a large shoal of Cephalaspis was seen swimming to their spawning grounds further inland. In the process, several were killed by a group of Brontoscorpio, that came across them by luck. At the end, one Cephalaspis is seen evolving into Hynerpeton. This is incorrect, as Cephalaspis was a jawless fish which had already separated from the ancestors of Hynerpeton.

Brontoscorpio: One was seen chasing a Cephalaspis. It chased another Cephalaspis but was killed by a mother Pterygotus which fed it to her young. When a large shoal of Cephalaspis swam to its spawning ground further inland, a group of lucky Brontoscorpio came onto land to kill them. Several Cephalaspis were stung and killed. 1 Brontoscorpio couldn't fed because it had to shed its skin instead - process that look it all day. When next morning it finished moulting, the Cephalaspis were gone. The Brontoscorpio had missed his chance.

Pterygotus: A mother Pterygotus was hiding under the seabed, attacked and killed an unsuspecting Brontoscorpio. She then fed the remains to her young. Several others are seen swimming past some Orthocones.

Cameroceras: A pair of Cameroceras or Orthocones (unidentified) were swimming in the Silurian seas alongside Pterygotus and other marine invertebrates of that time.

Hynerpeton: One was chased by a Stethacanthus and Hyneria but was able to escape. Later, when the night arrived, 2 Hynerpeton fought for mating rights. The main Hynerpeton won and was able to mate with a female. After the female laid her eggs, a Hyneria attacked the pair. The giant fish came onto dry land and attacked and killed the male.

Hyneria: A female attacked and killed a Stethacanthus and chased a Hynerpeton, but he escaped. However, the female later encountered the male Hynerpeton while it was mating and successfully killed him.

Stethacanthus: At the beginning of the 3rd act of the episode, it was seen chasing a Hynerpeton. But it is soon devoured by a Hyneria and the shark's prey escaped onto dry land.

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