Sunday, October 2, 2016

Soto Saber-Toothed Cat

Soto is the main antagonist of Blue Sky's very first film, Ice Age. He was voiced by Goran Visnjic. Although he is the main villain, his role in the film is small. He is the main antagonist because he had bigger plans and was far more dangerous than anyone else. Soto declared that they would kill off the humans' youngest, a baby named Roshan, as an act of revenge to strike back at the humans. "Alert the troops. We attack at dawn. And Diego, bring me that baby, alive. If I'm gonna enjoy my revenge, I want it to be fresh!" Soto and his most trusted pack member, Diego, plan an attack on the human camp, so that he and his 3 other sabers (Lenny is actually a scimitar cat) would attack the humans, Diego would slip in, stealthily, and take Roshan without being noticed, as a chance to put their plans in motion. Soto then ordered Diego to alert the others for an attack at dawn. "I want that baby, Diego! (Diego: I'll get it.) You'd better...unless you want to serve yourself as a replacement. We'll go up to Half Peak! Meet us there. It'd better be alive!" The very next morning, Soto and his pack ambushed the camp, taking attention away from the tent in which Roshan was located in, and as planned, Diego takes advantage of this and slips in, undetected, to take the baby, until the baby's mother, Nadia, hurried in and snatched the baby before Diego could do so. The ambush failed and the pack was forced to flee from the camp. Diego would, later, return with the baby, and Soto thus gave Diego the order to meet them at Half Peak, with the baby. On the way to Half Peak, the pack stopped for the night and Soto sent out 2 from the pack, Oscar and Zeke, to deliver a message to Diego, who was accompanied by Manny and Sid. Soto told his 2 pack members to deliver a message to Diego, informing him to either come back with the baby or don't come back at all. Diego, in response, told them to inform Soto that he'd bring back the baby, along with a mammoth. "Soto: Mammoths don't go down easy! There's only 1 way to do it: 1st you have to force it into a corner, cut off its retreat, and when you 3 have it trapped, I'll go for the throat!" After getting closer to Half Peak with the mammoth, sloth, and baby, Diego once again rejoined with his pack and met with Soto, who was beginning to get anxious with Diego, but expressed his approval at Diego's efforts. Unbeknownst to Soto, however, Diego had joined forces with Manny and Sid, in his own plan to save the baby and escape unharmed. The pack had layed in hiding at Soto's orders, who were ordered not to move until they saw the mammoth. Diego, who was trying to sabotage the attack, convinced Zeke to jump out of hiding to early, which caught Sid's attention. Sid, however, knew it would happen and sped away with a bundle in his paws on a pair of skis fashioned from 2 large pieces of bark, to be chased by Soto and the others until Sid lost his footing and dropped the bundle of clothing, which Soto pawed on, only to find it was a decoy made of snow. An angry Soto ordered his pack to get Sid. "Come on, Diego. Let's bring this mammoth down!" Soto then found Diego and Manny and invited Diego to help bring the mammoth down, only to find out about Diego's betrayal. Enraged, Soto fought with Diego while Lenny and Oscar cornered Manny. The fight between the 2 was evenly matched until Soto threw Diego into a rock, knocking him out unconscious. With Diego out of the way, Soto turned his attention over Manny. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! (Diego: Leave... the mammoth... alone.) Fine. I'll take you down first." Soto was about to leap in for the kill of Manny, until Diego stood in the way and refused to let Soto harm the mammoth. Without any second thought or regrets, Soto struck down Diego, severally wounding him. Before he could kill Diego, Soto then heard Roshan's cries and saw Sid with Roshan and walked towards them to have his revenge. Manny struck the distracted Soto aside with his tusks, flinging him into a stone wall, the impact causing several sharp icicles from the top of the wall to fall on Soto, stabbing and instantly killing him. He is the 3rd most dangerous villain in the Ice Age franchise, after Rudy from Dawn of the Dinosaurs, and Captain Gutt from Continental Drift. He is very similar to Shere-Khan from the 1967 version of Jungle Book as they are both predatory big cats who seek vengeance on humans and want to kill one specific child (Mowgli for Shere-Khan; Roshan for Soto) and so not hesitate to kill anyone who stands in their way. Ice Age is the first kids movie to be released since I was born.

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