The bear actually shares the same name as the main antagonist in Rescuers: Down Under. He is the climax antagonist of the 1981 Disney film, The Fox and The Hound. He is a giant one with black fur and red eyes. He does not tolerate intruders or trespassers, but is accidentally antagonized up by Amos Slade and Copper, who arrive to find Tod and Vixey. He is a melanistic Grizzly bear, Kodiak bear, or any American black bear. Percival first appears while Amos and Copper are trespassing in the woods to find Tod and Vixey, but while trying to get them, they accidentally antagonize Percival, who awakens and attacks Amos. Amos shoots Percival in the shoulder, only for a shot to nick him there, causing him to cry out in pain, and anger him more. He is now really furious that he swipes at Amos, causing him to tumble down a hillside, while he continues to pursue him. Whilst trying to escape from Percival, Amos is caught in one of his own traps and his gun caught in a tree, slightly out of his reach. Furious that intruders aren't leaving his territory, he continues to attack them. Copper bravely tries to protect his master and attacks Percival, but despite being smaller and more agile, he is no match for Percival, and is soon easily overpowered and beaten in a very vicious and brutal fight. Tod hears Copper's yelping echo, turns and is horrified to see his childhood friend getting nearly killed. Against his better judgement, he quickly intervenes to save him. As Percival prepares for a final blow on the wounded Copper, Tod leaps onto his back and bites him on the ear, making him turn his attention on Tod. Biting and scratching wildly, Tod is able to lure him away from Amos and Copper. Eventually, he manages to lure Percival up onto a log protruding over a huge waterfall. While Tod hangs for his dear life, Percival tries to deliver the final blow, but the log can't support his weight and breaks, sending both plummeting down the waterfall several meters below. Tod survives by the fall while Percival most likely drowns. Percival also appeared in an episode in Judy and Elroy. He also had a brother from Balto named Olauk McLeach.
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