Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Dinosaur extinction
There was a 10 kilometer wide meteor that smashed into earth and killed the dinosaurs and the lemurs and the other animals of Madagascar used to live in Africa and arrived in Madagascar. The lemurs survived the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and there are 3 dinosaur periods such as the Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous period. The dinosaurs would have been able to evolve into birds. This might sound weird but the Tyrannosaurus Rex's closest living relative is the chicken.
Filmrise nature
Monday, June 29, 2015
The fossa (Cryptoprocta Ferox) is a cat-like carnivorous mammal endemic to Madagascar. It is actually more related to the mongoose instead of a feline. It is now an endangered species as of 2011 of up to 2,500 individuals left in the wild. The fossa is the largest carnivore of Madagascar and are the major predator of lemurs. I've 1st heard about the fossa from the DreamWorks film, Madagascar. They resemble that of a cat as well as some other animals such as rats, dogs, hyenas, mongooses, monkeys, and other animals. The fossa, along with the aye-aye, have very long body parts including the tail and finger, and have bigger relatives of their own, which are now extinct. The island of Madagascar is now in deep trouble because the island is losing its species' habitat and its species are going extinct. 85% of Madagascar's forests have been destroyed by Indonesian settlers. There are over 20,000,000 people living in Madagascar and were originally from Indonesia 2,000 years ago. This is a fossa from a zoo in England. It was 1st described in 1833 by an English zoologist named Edward Turner Bennett.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Amur leopard
Snow leopard
The snow leopard (Panthera Uncia/Uncia Uncia) is a rare majestic animal that lives in the mountains of Central and South Asia and they are endangered and there are only 2,500 left in the world and in Nepal, there are 300 left. In the movie Kung-fu panda, did you know that Tai-lung was a snow leopard? I know that he's a bad guy in the movie but I feel a little bad for him when he got defeated because the snow leopard is endangered and I know that Kung-fu panda is just a movie and when a bad guy endangered animal of a movie gets defeated their numbers fall and if there are 0 left they'll go extinct. If the snow leopard was to go extinct then its prey would eat all the plants and if they eat all the plants they will die because then there are no plants to grow and the prey will starve and predators are important to nature. And leopards are found in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. And I saw a cute snow leopard cub video. Oh and I noticed a snow leopard named Leo. The snow leopard is not a leopard at all, they are more closely related to tigers. It also lives in Southern Russia and it is one of the 7 Panthera big cats native to Russia along with the Caspian tiger, Persian leopard, Asiatic lion, Siberian tiger, Anatolian leopard, and Amur leopard. The Caspian tiger is extinct and the Asiatic lion is now only found in Northwestern India and they both lived in the Caucasus.
Ethiopian wolf
Tarpans (Equus Ferus Ferus), also known as Eurasian wild horses, are extinct subspecies of wild horse found in Europe and Russia. This is an only known photo of an alleged live tarpan, which may have been a hybrid of a feral animal in 1884. The last tarpan died in 1909 in Russia. They even used to live in the UK until 7000 BC. It is one of the 21 amazing extinct animals that ruled the United Kingdom along with brown bears, aurochs, moose, wolverines, wolves, lynxes, Irish elk, cave lions, mammoths, and more.
Falkland islands wolf
Arizona jaguar
Friday, June 26, 2015
Lost animals of the 20th century

Some animals in this show are actually endangered.
Pink headed duck
Barbary lion
Caribbean monk seal
Queen Charlotte island caribou
Hawaiian o-o
Hispanolian nesophont
New Zealand grayling
Lord Howe island starling
Bulldog rat
Gilbert's potoroo
Passenger pigeon
Wake island rail
Aldabra giant tortoise
Bonin wood pigeon
Caucasian wisent
Blackfin cisco
Honshu wolf
Burchell's zebra
Carolina parakeet
Bali tiger
Arizonan jaguar
Merriam's elk
Audubon's badlands bighorn sheep
Arabian ostrich
Guam flying fox
Heath hen
Culebra Amazon parrot
Syrian wild ass
Moorean tree snail
St. Helena giant earwig
Laughing owl
Pig footed bandicoot
Kona giant looper moth
New Zealand bush wren
Israel painted frog
Scombergk's deer
Ivory billed woodpecker
Lanai omao
Round island boa
Green solitaire
Guadalupe caracara
Newfoundland wolf
Mexican grizzly bear
Toolache wallaby
Florida black wolf
Cape Verde giant skink
Bergman's bear
Great plain wolf
California grizzly bear
Sea mink
Caspian tiger
Barbados raccoon
Portuguese ibex
Gastric brooding frog
Long tailed hopping mouse
Delande's coucal
Rufus gazelle
Labrador duck
Cape red hartebeest
Nigerian pygmy hippo
Philippine bare backed fruit bat
Shansi sika deer
June sucker fish
Arctic reindeer
Paradise parrot
Guadalupe flicker
Gull island vole
Lake Titicaca orestia
Antigua burrowing owl
Vegas valley frog
Dusky seaside sparrow
Crescent nail tailed wallaby
St. Helena dragonfly
Riffle shell fresh water mussel
Seychelles swallowtail butterfly
Southern California kit fox
Atitlan grebe
Martinique giant rice rat
Falkland islands wolf
Azuero spider monkey
Guadalupe storm petrel
Ash meadow killifish
Rodreguez day gecko
Laysan rail
Lord Howe island stick insect
Desert rat kangaroo
Jamaican iguana
Eskimo curlew
Narborough giant tortoise
Madagascan serpent eagle
Canary island oystrycatcher
Japanese river otter (Lutra Lutra Whiteleyi)
The Japanese river otter (Lutra Lutra Whiteleyi) was discovered in the 1880's and it was even seen in Tokyo and its population began to decrease in the 1930's and became rare in the 1970's and it was declared extinct in different years just like the American ivory billed woodpecker. And how the Japanese river otter became extinct are the hunting and polluted rivers. And I thought it was declared extinct in 1959 and then it was declared extinct in 1979, 1991, and then 2012, and the ivory billed woodpecker was declared extinct in the 1920's, then the 1940's, 1950's, and then 2004. The otter apparently fed on fish, crabs, shrimp, eels, beetles, watermelons, and sweet potatoes. It was a subspecies of the Eurasian otter. The Japanese river otter is one of the 22 extinct otters. There is another extinct otter of Japan and that's the Japanese otter (Lutra Nippon). The last one was seen on August 28th, 2012.
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Hokkaido wolf

Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Extinct animals that went extinct in different years
Extinct animals that may still roam the earth
Javan tiger (1980's)
Baiji (2006)
Thylacine (1936)
Japanese wolf (1889-1905)
Japanese river otter (unknown)
Caspian tiger (1970's)
Ivory-billed woodpecker (unknown)
Eastern cougar (2011)
Mexican grizzly bear (1964)
Passenger pigeon (1914)
Atlas bear (1870's)
Arizona jaguar (1905)
Quagga (1883)
Great plains wolf (1930's)
Malabar civet (1989)
Barbary lion (1922)
Baiji (2006)
Thylacine (1936)
Japanese wolf (1889-1905)
Japanese river otter (unknown)
Caspian tiger (1970's)
Ivory-billed woodpecker (unknown)
Eastern cougar (2011)
Mexican grizzly bear (1964)
Passenger pigeon (1914)
Atlas bear (1870's)
Arizona jaguar (1905)
Quagga (1883)
Great plains wolf (1930's)
Malabar civet (1989)
Barbary lion (1922)
Japanese wolf
Tiger species
Himalayan brown bear
The Himalayan brown bear (Ursus Arctos Isabellinus), also known as the Himalayan red bear, Isabelline bear, or dzu-teh, is a critically endangered brown bear subspecies native to Northern Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan, Northern India, Nepal, and Tibet. They are extinct in Bhutan and the bears (as the dzu-teh) is thought to be the source of the mythical creature called the yeti or the abominable snowman. It is considered to be a relative of the Tibetan blue bear.
Kratt brother shows
1. Kratts' Creatures (1996)
2. Zoboomafoo (1999-2001)
3. Be The Creature (2003-2004)
4. Wild Kratts (Since 2010)
2. Zoboomafoo (1999-2001)
3. Be The Creature (2003-2004)
4. Wild Kratts (Since 2010)
Animals that were thought to be extinct but are not
1. Laotian rock rat - Thought to be extinct: 11,000,000 BC and rediscovered: 2005
2. Terror skink - Thought to be extinct: 1870 and rediscovered: 2003
3. Chacoan peccary - Thought to be extinct: 9,000 BC and rediscovered: 1971
4. Javan elephant - Thought to be extinct: 16th century and rediscovered: 2003
5. Takahe - Thought to be extinct: 1898 and rediscovered: 1948
6. Coelacanth - Thought to be extinct: 65,000,000 BC and rediscovered: 1938
7. Barbary lion - Thought to be extinct: 1922 and rediscovered: Unknown
8. Jamaican iguana - Thought to be extinct: 1940's and rediscovered: Unknown
9. La Palma giant lizard - Thought to be extinct: 16th century and rediscovered: 2007
10. New Holland mouse - Thought to be extinct: 1843 and rediscovered: Unknown
11. Giant Palouse earthworm - Thought to be extinct: 1980's and rediscovered: Unknown
12. Gracilidris - Thought to be extinct: 2006 and rediscovered: Unknown
2. Terror skink - Thought to be extinct: 1870 and rediscovered: 2003
3. Chacoan peccary - Thought to be extinct: 9,000 BC and rediscovered: 1971
4. Javan elephant - Thought to be extinct: 16th century and rediscovered: 2003
5. Takahe - Thought to be extinct: 1898 and rediscovered: 1948
6. Coelacanth - Thought to be extinct: 65,000,000 BC and rediscovered: 1938
7. Barbary lion - Thought to be extinct: 1922 and rediscovered: Unknown
8. Jamaican iguana - Thought to be extinct: 1940's and rediscovered: Unknown
9. La Palma giant lizard - Thought to be extinct: 16th century and rediscovered: 2007
10. New Holland mouse - Thought to be extinct: 1843 and rediscovered: Unknown
11. Giant Palouse earthworm - Thought to be extinct: 1980's and rediscovered: Unknown
12. Gracilidris - Thought to be extinct: 2006 and rediscovered: Unknown
Fennec fox

Tuesday, June 23, 2015
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