Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Great white shark

The great white shark is one of the deadliest sharks in the world and sharks lived before the dinosaurs. It's the largest predatory fish and it grows to be more than 20 feet long and 7,000 pounds. The largest fish in the world is the whale shark and the largest fish ever is the megalodon and the megalodon grew to be 50 feet long and it was probably the apex predator of all time and it went extinct under 2 million years ago. The great white shark has no natural predators other than the killer whale or orca. Great white sharks mainly feed on fish and seals and it's listed as endangered. It is my mom's favorite animal and her favorite terrestrial animal is the hippo and she is an oceanographer but she is also a historian and my brother Elias is a historian too. There is a movie called JAWS about a killer great white.

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