Gorgon is the main antagonist of the 2013 computer-animated film, Walking With Dinosaurs The 3D Movie (also known as Walking With Dinosaurs The Movie, Walking With Dinosaurs 3D, or just simply Walking With Dinosaurs). Gorgon is first seen when Patchi and his brother, Scowler, get caught up in a huge fire when migrating with their herd to the feeding grounds. Gorgon attacks the two brothers while they are separated from their family and prepares to eat them when their father Bulldust, who is also the leader of the herd, steps in to protect his sons and battles the evil dinosaur. After a fierce fight, Gorgon clamps his jaws down on Bulldust's neck, killing him. Later, Gorgon is shown catching a pterosaur to feed himself and his pack. He discovers Patchi alongside Juniper's herd and is given the right moment to attack. Gorgon and his pack charge at the herd, causing them to run in fear. There is mayhem as Gorgon's pack separate the weak and young from the herd and prepare to kill them. Patchi, Scowler, and Juniper fall into a raging river and are swept away, but survive. In the final confrontation, years later, Gorgon and his pack ambush the herd once again. He surns on Scowler and attacks him, but before he can finish him off, Patchi rushes to the rescue. He headbutts the wicked dinosaur and, aided by Juniper, drive off his 2 henchmen. Gorgon makes one final lunge in an attempt to kill Patchi, who, thinking of his father, brother, and girlfriend, charges at Gorgon, knocking out some of his teeth and breaking his right arm with the hole in his frill. Gorgon, in defeat, runs away into the forest never to be seen again. Millions of years later, his skull is found by a paleontologist named Zack, his niece Jade and nephew Ricky. Gorgon's goal is the same as Sharptooth's from The Land Before Time, except Sharptooth wanted to get revenge on Littlefoot and also to survive, while Gorgon just wanted to survive and feed himself and his pack. Gorgon is sometimes thought to be the secondary antagonist of the film, with Scowler as the main antagonist (due to his controlling and overbearing attitude). However, Gorgon is still the main antagonist because he was more dangerous and had darker intentions than Scowler. On the other hand, Scowler was still mean, abusive, and overbearing (especially to Patchi), he still cared about his brother deep down and eventually redeemed himself. Gorgon showed neither of those positive character traits.
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