"Hey, knock it off! I'm starving!" Lenny is a Scimitar cat (Homotherium) and was part of a pack of saber-toothed cats, that hunted among other creatures and humans. He was one of the secondary antagonists of Ice Age. He was voiced by Alan Tudyk, who would go on to voice Turbo from Wreck-It Ralph and Duke of Weselton from Frozen. Lenny is one of a pack of saber-toothed cats, that was led by Soto. Their pack initially was larger, but a tribe of humans had hunted down and killed many of the sabers off, using their skin as coats. Soto felt that he was being wronged and made it his goal to steal the tribe's baby and eat it in vengeance. Lenny, among others in the pack, wanted very much to abandon their chase of the humans and their child, so as to follow the masses of migrating animals headed South. Soto's will was strong, however, and he viewed the taking of the baby as the perfect chance to teach the humans a lesson. The next morning, after expressing his beliefs, Soto arranged an attack on the human encampment. Along with the others in the pack, Lenny attacked the human encampment, but was fended off by the humans' wolves, who fought alongside the humans against the pack, sending them off. 1 saber-toothed cat named Diego was expected to steal the baby from the humans, but he missed his chance when Nadia (Roshan's mother) escaped with her child through a waterfall. Soto, angry at Diego's failure, ordered him to retrieve Roshan and bring him to Half Peak, where the others would be waiting. Soto was later informed by Oscar and Zeke that Diego would bring Roshan back, along with a mammoth called Manfred, who had been watching over Roshan, with the help of Sid. Lenny met up with Diego, along with the others in his pack, at Half Peak, where Zeke reminisced on the joys of mammoth flesh, much to Lenny's displeasure. Lenny demanded that Zeke would stop reminding hi of food, for Lenny was hungry, and was about to hit Zeke when Soto intervened, telling them all to save their energy, as mammoths don't go down easily. Soto was planning an ambush on Manny, who must be caught by surprise, and so, he ordered the others not to attack, until they saw Manny and Sid that he had been leading into an ambush, and so Diego tempted Zeke to leap into action and to attack. The surprise being given away, the sabers pursued Sid, as he slid down a snowy slope on a piece of bark. Soon after, Oscar, Lenny, and Zeke, who had been chasing Sid, were impeded by a large log, that Manny threw at them. Once Oscar and Lenny came to, they rejoined their leader and attacked Manny, cornering him for Soto to deliver thew killing blow. Diego intervened against Soto's attack and was mortally injured. Manny then struck Soto with his tusks when the saber was distracted and Soto hit a wall of ice and a number of icicles came down on him, killing him. After seeing the death of their leader, Oscar and Lenny left the scene quickly.
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