Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Evil-Doer: Reirei

Full Name: Reirei

Alias: Mom, Dear

Origin: The Lion guard 6-15: The Kupatana Celebration and Too Many Termites

Sex/Gender: Female

Occupation: Matriarch

Powers/Skills: Trickery

Hobby: Unknown

Goals: To Wreck Havoc In The Pride Lands During Kupatana (failed), To Devour Aardwolves (failed)

Type of Villain: Parent

Status: Alive

Conservation Status: Least Concern

Subspecies Status: Least Concern

Species: Black-Backed Jackal

Scientific Name: Canis Mesomelas

Subspecies: East African Black-Backed Jackal (Canis Mesomelas Schmidti)

Voice: Ana Gasteyer

Country: Kenya

Continent: Africa

Release Dates: February 12th, 2016-July 15th, 2016

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