Friday, October 9, 2015

Persian leopard

The Persian leopard (Panthera Pardus Saxicolor), also known as the Caucasian leopard or Central Asian leopard, is a leopard native to The Caucasus, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, Northern Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Georgia, Turkey, Pakistan, and Uzbekistan. It's listed as endangered and there are fewer than 1,290 individuals left in the wild. It is one of the 3 leopards native to Russia along with the the Amur and Anatolian leopards. The Caucasian leopard is the largest of all leopards and the smallest is the Arabian. It is one of the few extant big cats native to Eastern Europe. To tell that it's a Persian leopard is its white coat, its narrow spots, and its size. The Anatolian leopard also lives in the Caucasus and is also endangered. The Amur leopard and Anatolian leopard are critically endangered! There is a 2011 movie called "In Search for the Persian Leopard from Wildlife Pictures". Look it up and you will find it!

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