Friday, April 1, 2016


The wolverine (Gulo Gulo) is the largest land Mustelid, which also includes weasels, badgers, otters, martens, grisons, polecats, and minks. It's a stocky and muscular carnivore, more closely resembling s small bear than other Mustelids. It is sometimes called "Honey badgers of the North" because they are Mustelids, they are aggressive, and scavenge their favorite foods. Wolverines also even used to live in Britain until 8,000 years ago maybe because of climate change. The last British wolverine primarily died out in England, because I wonder if the wolverine could be reintroduced to the North coast of Scotland. The wolverine is roughly the size of a Eurasian lynx. Wolverines also became extinct in Germany about 28,000 years ago. Wolverines, along with pine martens, wolves, and bears, are pretty much found everywhere throughout Alaska. Some scientists have divided the wolverine into 2 subspecies; the New world (North American) wolverine (Gulo Gulo Luscus), and the Old world (Eurasian) wolverine (Gulo Gulo Gulo). They also divided them into the North American subspecies; the Vancouver island wolverine (Gulo Gulo Vancouverensis), and the Kenai peninsula wolverine (Gulo Gulo Kamschemakensis).

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