Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Thylacoline Zealandus

Thylacoline Zealandus is an extinct carnivore that was most likely a marsupial. It was New Zealand's only native land mammal. It would have been able to take down giant moas, or even ambush the other top predator of New Zealand, Haast's eagle. Did you think that New Zealand was only dominated by birds? Well, it was also dominated by Thylacoline Zealandus. It lived 1,000,000 years ago, and was the size of a Siberian tiger. Its common ancestors are wombats and koalas, which are from Australia. The Haast's eagle, another top predator in New Zealand survived until very recently had talons the size of a tiger's claws that would crush the neck of a giant moa, and had a 3 meter wingspan. Thylacoline is one of the least known prehistoric carnivores, like the Giant fox (Vulpes Gigas) for instance.

New Zealand moose

In 1900, an attempt to introduce moose into the Hokitika area failed; then in 1910, 10 moose (4 bulls and 6 cows) were introduced to Fiordland national park. Those 2 parks are in the South island. This area is considered a less than suitable habitat, and subsequent low numbers of sightings and kills have led to some presumption of this population's failure. The last proven sighting of a moose in New Zealand was in 1952. However, a moose antler was found in 1972, and DNA tests showed that hair collected in 2002 was from a moose. There has been extensive searching, and while automated cameras failed to capture photographs, evidence was seen of bedding spots, browsing and antler marks. Moose were introduced from Canada, but moose weren't the only nonnative introduced deer species in New Zealand; there were also sika deer, red deer, rhusa deer, and white-tailed deer.

Largest big cats by species

Lynx: European lynx

Tiger: Siberian tiger

Lion: Barbary lion

Leopard: Persian leopard

Jaguar: Pantanal jaguar

Cougar: North American cougar

Cheetah: Tanzanian cheetah

New Zealand's 5 nonnative introduced deer species

Red deer (Europe)

Sika deer (Japan)

Rusa deer (Asia)

Moose (Canada)

White-tailed deer (North America)

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Monday, August 29, 2016

Gibraltar macaques

The Barbary macaque population in Gibraltar is the only wild monkey population in the European continent. Although most populations in Africa are facing declining populations due to hunting and deforestation, the population of the monkeys in Gibraltar is growing. At present, some 300 animals in 5 troops occupy the area of the Upper Rock area of the Gibraltar Nature Reserve, though occasional forays into the town may result in damage to personal property. As they are a tailess species, they are also known locally as Barbary apes or Rock apes, despite being monkeys (Macaca Sylvanus). The local people simply refer to them as monos (English: Monkeys) when conversing in Spanish or Llanito (the local vernacular). Gibraltar is a British overseas territory located off the Southeast coast of Spain. Primates including monkeys live in every continent besides Mainland Europe, Australia, and Antarctica. Maybe they wanted the macaques to live in Europe. Although the Barbary macaques form pat of tourism in Gibraltar, direct contact with them is strongly discouraged.

Texas macaques

Japanese macaques or snow monkeys were introduced to Texas. In 1972, a troop of about 150 Japanese macaques was relocated from Kyoto to a primate observatory in Southwest Texas. The observatory is an enclosed ranch-style environment and the macaques have been allowed to roam with minimal human interference. At first, many perished in the unfamiliar habitat, which consists if arid brushland. The macaques eventually adapted to the environment, and learned to forage for mesquite beans, cactus fruits, and other foods. The monkeys flourished, and by 1995, the troop consisted of 550 individuals. In 1996, hunters maimed or killed 4 escaped macaques; as a result, legal restrictions were publicly clarified and funds were raised to establish a new 186-acre sanctuary near Dilley, Texas. Japanese macaques weren't the only monkey species introduced to North America, Rhesus macaques of Mainland Asia were also introduced to Florida, and with Vervet monkeys from Africa; Florida, Texas, Alabama, Louisiana, Arizona, California, Ascension island, Cape Verde, Barbados, St. Kitts, Bermuda, Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Dominican republic, and Nevis. They are the only primates other than humans that can survive in cold climates, including Japan. In subtropical climates, they live in the Southern islands such as Yakushima, Okinawa, and some other islands. Barbary macaques in North Africa were also introduced to Gibraltar island in Europe. The Barbary macaque population in Gibraltar is the only monkey population in the European continent. Gibraltar is an island located off the Southeast coast of Spain and owned by the UK. Just like Alaska and Hawaii were owned by the USA. Here are 3 classifications of introductions: Invasive, Ferals, and Pests. The reason why snow monkeys were introduced to Texas was that they once angered the people in Kyoto, Japan by raiding their stores. They had to be relocated, otherwise they will be killed. Texas was the only place where Japanese macaques would be safe. My YouTube friend Jaisa, the wolf fan was also from Japan and moved to Texas.

Animals at Highland wildlife park

Amur tiger

Arctic fox

Bactrian camel

Common crane

Eagle owl

European beaver



European forest reindeer

European grey wolf

Great grey owl

Himalayan tahr

Japanese macaque

Mishmi takin


European lynx

Pallas's cat

Polar bear

Przewalski's horse

Red deer

Red panda

Eurasian red squirrel

Satyr tragopan

Scottish wildcat

Snow leopard

Snowy owl

Turkmenian markor


Thorold's deer



Sunday, August 28, 2016

Fantastic Mr Fox (Movie) scientific names (more officially) [Read the information on Facebook]

Mr. Fox/Mrs. Fox/Ash/Kristofferson/Agnes (Vulpes Vulpes)

Clive Badger/Mrs. Badger/Badger Son (Taxidea Taxus)

Rat (Rattus Rattus)

Coach Skip/Linda Otter (Lontra Canadensis)

Mr. Beaver/Beaver Son (Castor Canadensis)

Kylie (Didelphis Virginiana)

Stan Weasel (Mustela Nivalas)

Phil Mole (Neurotrithus Gibbsii)

Rickity (Microtus Pennsylvanicus)

Nelson squirrel (Scirus Carolinensis)

Mr. Rabbit/Mrs. Rabbit/Rabbit Daughter (Sylvilagus)