Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Peter Moosebridge

Peter Moosebridge (voiced by Peter Mansbridge) is a character from the movie Zootopia (known in Europe and Zootropolis) and is a moose co-anchor of the ZTV news in the North American and French version. He is used in the standard version of the film, released in the United States, United Kingdom, France, Canada, Russia, and Mexico. In other countries, the anchor is a different animal voiced by a different actor. David Campbell voices a koala newscharacter named David Koalabell in the Australian version as well as in New Zealand. The Brazilian version uses a jaguar named Oncardo Boi Chau that is voiced by Ricardo Boechat. The Japanese version uses a tanuki named Michael Tanuyama. The Chinese version uses an unnamed giant panda. And in the British version, Vassos Alexander voices a Welsh corgi named Moosos Alexander. These are the versions of Peter (North America and France), Michael (Japan), David (Australia and New Zealand), and the panda (China).

Monday, May 30, 2016

4 best known otter species

Eurasian otter

North American otter

Sea otter

Giant otter

Sonora beaver

The Sonora beaver (Castor Canadensis Frondator) is a subspecies of the North American beaver native to Sonora, Mexico. They are the rarest of all the N. American beavers and may also bee found in Southern California and Arizona. We often think of beavers living North but it turns out they live in the South such as Mexico and the Gulf states. This is an illustration from James Audubon in 1842.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Most interesting N. American beaver subspecies

Texas beaver

California golden beaver

Sonora beaver

Rio Grande beaver

Newfoundland beaver

California golden beaver

The California golden beaver (Castor Canadensis Subauratus) is a subspecies of the North American beaver native to Northern and Central California. Like the Southern sea otter, the California golden beaver is considered to be a keystone species to California. Beavers in California are now commonly found in Sierra Nevada. Wolves are considered to be a keystone species to Yellowstone national park and other places in the US like the Eurasian beaver is considered to be a keystone species to Scotland.

California Fur Rush

Before the 1849 California Fur Rush, American, English, and Russian fur hunters were drawn to Spanish (and then Mexican) in a CA Fur Rush, to exploit its enormous fur resources. Before 1825, these Europeans were drawn to the Northern and Central California coast to harvest prodigious quantities of sea otters and fur seals, and then to the San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento - San Joaquin River Delta to harvest beavers, river otters, bears, martens, fishers, minks, foxes, weasels, and harbor seals. It was California's early fur trade, more that any other single factor, that opened up the West, and the San Francisco Bay Area in particular, to world trade. California golden beavers are recolonizing the Bay Area from East to West and fur seals began to recolonize the Farallon islands in 1996. Both the California golden beaver and Southern sea otter are keystone species, with a stabilizing and broad impact on their local ecosystems. The spring 2007 sea otter survey counted 3,026 sea otters in the Central California coast, down from a single colony of about 50 sea otters discovered near the mouth of Bixby Creek along California's Big Sur coast in 1938. The grizzly bears of California went extinct in 1924 and in the 1950's, it became California's state animal. Since the 1950's, ecologists have debated the reintroduction of grizzly bears back to California.

Texas beaver

The Texas beaver (Castor Canadensis Texensis) is a subspecies of the North American beaver native to Texas as well as in Oklahoma. Unlike its Northern relatives, the Texas beaver usually can move about during most of the winter season. It is one of the 15 subspecies of the N. American beaver along with the Canadian, Newfoundland, Carolina, Pacific, California golden, Washington, Sonora, Missouri river, and other subspecies. Beavers maybe found in every US state (except Hawaii), even Wisconsin. The beaver and the horse are the national animals of Canada. N. American beavers have been introduced to Scandinavia and Patagonia. Eurasian beavers (Castor Fiber) may have been introduced to the Japanese island of Shikoku as an effort to enrich the fauna or to live alongside with the otters living there. Beavers can hold their breath underwater for up to 15 minutes and are the largest rodents in North America. North American beavers are slightly larger than the Eurasian beaver. Eurasian beavers have been reintroduced to Scotland, Mongolia, China, Italy, Portugal, The Balkans, and The Middle East to restore balance. Beavers' only natural predators to penetrate the lodge are otters, both beavers and otters can swim but otters can swim up into the lodge to slaughter the pups. We often think of beavers as Northern animals but it turns out they live in the Southern part such as the Gulf States and Northern Mexico. The largest rodent living today is the capybara. When my dad was driving to work, he saw a tree cut down but it wasn't axed or something, it was gnawed and my grandfather trapped a beaver and made a pelt from the beaver. Wolves used to live in Texas and are now extinct there except coyotes. Coyotes live everywhere throughout the US. Beavers and wolves are keystone species to the forest and without them, the ecosystem would be out of balance. There is a Beaver island in Lake Michigan.

3 historical pictures of American bison

Last bison of Canada in 1902.

Pile of bison skulls for industry in 1870.

Rare 1880 footage of a bison running.


The cheetah or hunting leopard (Acinonyx Jubatus) is a vulnerable species of big cat native to Africa and Southwest Asia. Cheetahs in Asia now occur in Iran and also used to live in India until 1950. The extinct American cheetah instead lived in the Miracinonyx genus. There are 5 cheetah subspecies alive, 3 vulnerable and 2 critically endangered. The subspecies are the South African, Tanzanian, Sudan, Northwest African, and Asiatic. Cheetahs used to live everywhere throughout the Middle East and India. It is the only extant member of the Acinonyx genus. This is a South African cheetah, which is the nominate species. It is the most medium sized big cat in Africa and is basically yellowish tan or rufous to greyish white, the coat is uniformly covered with nearly 2,000 solid black spots. The Asiatic cheetah and South African are the best known cheetah species. Although they aren't leopards, they are called hunting leopards because of their spots and are the fastest land animal, reaching speeds of up to 75 mph.

American lion

The American lion (Panthera Leo Atrox), also known as the North American lion, Naegele's giant jaguar, or American cave lion, is an extinct lion of the Panthera genus native to North America as well as Northeastern South America. It lived from 340,000 years to 11,000 years ago at the end of the ice age. The American lion was 25% larger than a modern day African lion.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

13 canine species of South America

Domestic dog

Short eared dog

Crab eating fox

Falklands wolf


Darwin's fox

North American gray fox

South American gray fox

Pampas fox

Sechuran fox

Horay fox

Maned wolf

Bush dog

15 canine species of Africa

Gray wolf

Domestic dog


African golden wolf

Golden jackal

Ethiopian wolf

Black backed jackal

Side striped jackal

African wild dog

Red fox

Cape fox

Pale fox

Blanford's fox

Ruppell's fox

Fennec fox

Bat eared fox

14 canine species of Asia

Gray wolf

Domestic dog


Golden jackal


Arctic fox

Red fox

Fennec fox

Corsac fox

Bengal fox

Tibetan sand fox

Blandford's fox

Ruppell's fox

Raccoon dog

6 canine species of Europe

Gray wolf

Golden jackal


Red fox

Corsac fox

Arctic fox

8 canine species of North America

Gray wolf

Red wolf


Red fox

Gray fox

Kit fox

Swift fox

Arctic fox

5 best known North American gray wolves

Arctic wolf

Northwestern wolf

Great plains wolf

Mexican wolf

Eastern timber wolf

Iranian lions

The reintroduction of lions to Iran involves the artificial reestablishment of a population of Asiatic lions into areas where they have previously existed before humans driven them to extinction in 1942. The only remaining big cats of Iran are the Asiatic cheetah, Eurasian lynx, and Persian leopard. The Caspian tiger lived in Iran and is now completely extinct. It is said that India wanted the Asiatic cheetah in exchange for the lion and was not willing to export any of its cheetahs. Today, the Asiatic lion only lives in Gir forest national park in Northwestern India. Cheetahs and lions both coexist in all places but now live in different parts of Asia and are extinct in North America. The lions and cheetahs of Asia are critically endangered! Since the early 2000's, scientists have debated the reintroduction of lions back to Iran and cheetahs back to India. Fewer than 500 Asian lions remain in the wild. The Asian lion's mane is slightly smaller than the African's. It is one of the few extinct species of Iran along with the Syrian elephant, Caucasian moose, Caspian tiger, and auroch. Despite of its size, the Asiatic lion mainly preys on buffalo because African lions hunt bigger prey and are larger than Asian lions. The Caspian tigers of Iran went extinct in the late 1950's.

North American reintroduction as ecological proxies after the Pleistocene

African bush elephant as a proxy for the American mastodon

Asian elephant as a proxy for the Columbian mammoth

Dromedary camel as a proxy for the camelops

Onager as a proxy for the extinct North American horses

Plains zebra as a proxy for the extinct North American horses

Giant armadillo as a proxy for the Glyptotherium

African cheetah as a proxy for the American cheetah (Miracinonyx)

Dhole as a proxy for the dire wolf

Collared peccary as a proxy for the Platygonus

Tapir as a proxy for other tapirs

African lion as a proxy for the American lion

Siberian tiger as a proxy for the Smilodon

Prehistoric predators episodes

Saber tooth

Terror raptor

Killer pig

Giant bear

Razor jaws

Dire wolf

Monster shark

Monsters resurrected episodes

Terror bird

T. Rex of the deep

Biggest killer dino

Great American predator


Giant ripper

Expanding populations after the Pleistocene


Alpine ibex

Spanish ibex




European lynx

Iberian lynx

Brown bear

European mink

Mediterranean monk seal

Eurasian beaver


White tailed eagle

Griffon vulture

Eurasian black vulture

Eurasian eagle owl

Eurasian otter

Animals still alive outside Europe since the Pleistocene

Asiatic lion

Persian leopard

Spotted hyena



Saiga antelope


Wild water buffalo

Asian elephant

Sumatran rhinoceros

Indian cheetahs

The reintroduction of cheetahs in India involves the artificial reestablishment of a population of Asiatic cheetahs into areas where they had previously existed but were hunted to extinction in 1950 due to British colonials and Indian royalty. Apart of the reintroduction process is the identification and restoration of their former grassland scrub forests. This is within the scope of the duties of the local forest department of each state, where relocation occurs, through the Central government funding. There are a lot of pictures of cheetahs in India taken in 1897 like this one. Today, the cheetah only lives in Iran. Until the 20th century, the cheetah was quite common and roamed all the way from Israel, the Arabian peninsula to Iran, Afghanistan, and India and ranged as far South as Tamil Nadu. During the early 2000's, scientists were planing to clone the Asian cheetah back to India. The Ancient Indians had a great respect of cheetahs calling it "Hunting leopard". People are also trying to clone wolves back to Ireland. It is said that Iran wanted the Asiatic lion in exchange for the cheetah and was not willing to export any of its lions. In 2009, the Indian government contacted Iran again to explore the possibility of Iran supplying cheetahs to help to reestablish their presence of the subcontinent decades after they were hunted to extinction. The Iranian embassy in Delhi had said that its government was in the process of arranging talks. Lions and cheetahs coexist in all places but are now in different parts of Asia and are extinct in North America.

European rabbit

The European or common rabbit (Oryctolagus Cuniculus) is a species pf rabbit native to the Iberian peninsula and Northwest Africa and has been introduced to all continents besides Antarctica. Its main predators are the Iberian lynx, red fox, and Spanish imperial eagle and live in burrows called warrens. Australia has the most problems with European rabbits and is considered to be one of the 100 worst invasive species. Red foxes and dingoes were also introduced to Australia but the dingo isn't too harmful to native species. Dingoes have been introduced to Australia by Asian seafarers and red necked wallabies were introduced to Scotland. I wonder if that wallaby is considered to be on the 100 worst invasive species list. In the movie Zootopia (Known in Europe as Zootropolis), Judy Hopps is a European rabbit. Both European rabbits and Red foxes were introduced to Australia and are considered to be one of the 100 worst invasive species.

Banteng species

Javan banteng

Burmese banteng

Bornean banteng

Domestic banteng

List of domestic animals

Domestic dog


Domestic pig

Domestic goat



House cat


Guinea pig


Domestic duck

Water buffalo


Domestic dromedary

Domestic silkmoth

Domestic pigeon

Domestic goose


Domestic Bactrian camel



Domestic guineafowl

Domestic ferret

Fancy mouse

Ringneck dove

Bali cattle


Domestic turkey


Domestic rabbit

Domestic canary

Siamese fighting fish

Fancy lab rat


Russian domesticated fox

Domestic hedgehog

Society finch


Cats of Mongolia

Pallas's cat

Mongolian wildcat

Eurasian lynx

Caspian tiger

Siberian tiger

Snow leopard

Sand cat subspecies

Saharan sand cat

Turkestan sand cat

Pakistani sand cat

Arabian sand cat

Algerian sand cat

French Sudan sand cat

Chinese mountain cat

The Chinese mountain cat (Felis Bieti), also known as the Chinese desert cat or Chinese steppe cat, is a rare wild feline native to the foothills of Central and Northern China as well as in Southern Mongolia. They mainly prey on pikas, rodents, and birds and are nocturnal. They breed between January and March and give birth of up to 2 to 4 kittens. It is also one of the 6 felines in the Felis genus along with the domestic house cat, jungle cat, wildcat, black footed cat, and sand cat. there is another type of mountain cat called the Andean mountain cat. It is one of the 3 types of steppe cats along with the Pallas's cat and Asiatic wildcat.

Ostriches of Asia

North African ostrich

Arabian ostrich

Asiatic ostrich

Successful South American animal plans

Giant anteater in Corrientes, Argentina

Guanaco in Central Argentina

Pureto Rican parrot in Arecibo

Red and green macaw to Ibera provincial reserve, Argentinia

Vinaceous Amazon parrot to Parque Nacional das Araucarias, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Successful North American animal plans

Black footed ferret in Canada, USA, and Mexico

California condor in California and Mexico

Fisher in Washington state

Grey wolf in Yellowstone national park

Musk ox in Alaska

American flamingo to Anegada, British Virgin islands

Whooping crane in Louisiana

Successful European animal plans

Alpine ibex in the French, Italian, and Swiss Alps

Eurasian brown bear in several European countries

European beaver in several places in Europe

Eurasian otter in the Netherlands

European lynx in several European regions

European black vulture in Massif in Central France

Goitered gazelle in Georgia

Golden eagle in Wales and Ireland

Griffon vulture in Massif, Israel, and Apennines

Iberian lynx in Portugal

Lammergeir in the Swiss Alps

Lesser kestrel in Spain

Lesser white fronted goose in Sweden and Germany

Northern bald ibis in Austria and Italy

Peregrine falcon in Germany, Poland, Sweden, and Norway

Red kite in Ireland

Western swamphen in the Mondego river basin, Portugal

White tailed eagle in Scotland and Ireland

European bison in Europe

Successful Australian animal plans

Woylie in Australia

Emu to Tasmania

Wombat to Western Australia

Successful Asian animals plans

Amur leopard in Russia

Arabian oryx in Oman, United Arab Emirates, and Israel

Bornean orangutan in East Kalimantan

Indian rhinoceros in Pakistan

North African ostrich in Israel and Saudi Arabia

Nubian ibex in Israel

Eurasian otter in Japan

Pere David's deer in China

Persian fallow deer in Israel

Persian leopard in Russia

Persian onager in Saudi Arabia

Przelwalski's horse in Mongolia

Sarus crane in Thailand

Sudan cheetah in United Arab Emirates

Turkmenian kulan in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan

Yarkon bleak fish in Israel

Neurergus microspilotus in Western Iran

Successful African animals plans

North African ostrich in Morocco, Nigeria, Niger, and Tunisia

Southern white rhino in Kenya, Uganda, and Zambia

South African cheetah in Swaziland

Steppe cats

Pallas's cat

Chinese mountain cat

Asiatic wildcat

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Where lynxes are extinct

Ireland (3000 BC)

United Kingdom (700 AD)

Netherlands (Middle Ages)

Belgium (1700)

Germany (1850)

Bohemia (1860)

France (1900)

Switzerland (1915)

Greece (1953)

Italy (1973)

Bulgaria (1985)

Portugal (1989)

Alps (1993)

Idaho (2004)