Monday, November 30, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

My favorite Asian extinct animals

Syrian elephant

Japanese wolf

Japanese sea lion

Japanese otter

Bali tiger

Javan tiger

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Black footed ferret

The black footed ferret, also known as the American polecat, black footed mink, or prairie dog hunter, is an endangered mustelid native to North America. The ferret is the size of a mink and differs from the European polecat, which is least concern. The name ferret has the name prairie dog hunter because they prey on prairie dogs. Fewer than 750 remain and they live in the US states of South Dakota, Arizona, and Wyoming. 2 prairie dog species are also endangered and they are the Utah and Mexican.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

My favorite endangered animals by continent from the book Extraordinary endangered animals

North America ~ Black footed ferret

South America ~ Andean spectacled bear

Europe ~ European bison

Asia ~ Japanese crane

Africa ~ Ethiopian wolf

Australia ~ Tree kangaroo

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Arctic fox

The Arctic fox (Alopex Lagopus), also known as the white fox, snow fox, blue fox, or polar fox, is a small fox native to the arctic regions of the Northern hemisphere and common throughout the Arctic tundra biome. It is well adapted to living in cold environments. It has a deep thick fur which is brown in the summer and white in the winter. Its 7 subspecies are the Bering, Priblof, Iceland, Greenland, Scandinavian, Siberian, and Medny arctic fox. They are only endangered in the Scandinavian area estimated to be around 120 individuals left. They are also rare or extinct on Medny island off the coast of the Kamchatka peninsula in Russia. Red foxes are twice the size of an arctic fox. The main predator of the arctic fox is the polar bear. They mainly live in Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia, and Russia. Because the arctic fox is such a rare animal, there are no up to date population estimates for any region, making it difficult to increase its conservation status. For now, they are listed under the category of least concern. It is one of the 3 most common fox species along with the red and fennec. It is also one of the 5 canines you will find in Alaska after the red fox, coyote, gray wolf, and domestic dog. They eat small creatures and scavenge polar bear kills such as seals.

Polecat species

African striped polecat

Saharan striped polecat

Steppe polecat

American polecat (Black footed ferret)

European polecat

Marbled polecat

Monday, November 23, 2015

Gobi bear

The Gobi bear (Ursus Arctos Gobiensis) is a subspecies of brown bear that is native to Mongolia's Gobi desert. It is listed as critically endangered, there is estimated to be around 50 adults and the Gobi bear is as endangered as the Asiatic cheetah.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Grandider's mongoose

The Grandider's mongoose or giant striped mongoose or Grandider's vontsira, is a small endangered mongoose that is native to Southwestern Madagascar. The species is named after Alfred Grandider. It is probably more endangered than the fossa, a cat like creature native to Madagascar that is more closely related to the mongoose. 

Sleeper sharks

Pacific sleeper shark

Little sleeper shark

Greenland shark

Free tailed bats

Mexican free tailed bat

European free tailed bat

Silky anteater

The silky anteater or pygmy anteater (Cyclopes Didactlylus) is a species of anteater native to Central and South America. Like the giant anteater and tamandua, they live in Latin America and they eat ants and termites and mothers carry their babies on their backs. The giant and silky anteater are pretty cool animals and they are one of my favorite animals in South America.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Russian domesticated fox

The Russian domesticated fox (Vulpes Vulpes Dorsalis) is a domesticated form of red fox. As a result of selective breeding, the new foxes became tamer and more dog like. They are the only domestic subspecies of red fox.

Different kinds of ivores

Carnivore - An animal that eats only meat

Herbivore - An animal that eats only plants

Omnivore - An animal that eats both meat and plants

Insectivore - An animal that eats only insects

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Reef sharks

Blacktip reef shark

Gray reef shark

Caribbean reef shark

Whitetip reef shark

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bobcat subspecies

Eastern bobcat

Nova Scotia bobcat

Florida bobcat

Midwestern bobcat

Merriam's bobcat

California bobcat

Mojave bobcat

Mexican bobcat

Oregon bobcat

Oaxaca bobcat

Northwestern bobcat

Peninsular bobcat

Texas bobcat

Jungle cat subspecies

Himalayan jungle cat

Indian jungle cat

Egyptian jungle cat

Syrian jungle cat

Pannonian jungle cat

Indochinese jungle cat

Thar jungle cat

Sri-Lankan jungle cat

Middle-Asian jungle cat 

Andean mountain cat

The Andean mountain cat is an endangered cat in the genus Leopardus and is native to the Andes mountains and there is estimated to be less than 2500 individuals left.


Tamanduas are genus of anteaters with 2 species: the Northern and Southern. The word tamandua is Tupi for anteater and in Tupi and Portuguese refers to anteaters in general. Northern tamanduas live in Southeastern Mexico, Central America, West of the Andes, Northern Venezuela, and Northern Peru. Southern tamanduas live in Venezuela, Trinidad, Northern Argentina, Southern Brazil, and Uruguay.

My favorite extant wolves by continent

North America - Mexican wolf

South America - Andean wolf

Europe - Italian wolf

Asia - Indian wolf

Africa - Ethiopian wolf

Australia - Dingo

Wolves and wolf like creatures of South America

Dire wolf

Chilean wolf

Andean wolf

Maned wolf

Falkland islands wolf

Dusicyon Avus

Bull shark

The bull shark, also known as the Zambezi shark in Zambia in Africa or Nicaragua shark in Nicaragua in Mexico, is the deadliest shark in the world, even deadlier than a great white shark. The bull shark is the only shark species that can live in freshwater too and they give birth to their pups in freshwater. They are called bull sharks because of their aggression. Bull sharks look like reef sharks but bigger.

Andean wolf

The Andean wolf (Dasycyon Hagenbecki), also known as the Hagenbeck's wolf, is a wolf-like canid native to the Andes mountains of South America. Wolves and their relatives live in all continents besides Antarctica. It is similar to the culpeo or Andean fox. I wish it is a real wolf, because wolves live in every continent besides South America and Antarctica, although dire wolves lived in South America. Of course Antarctica doesn't need wolves.

Condor species

California condor

Andean condor

Cuban condor (Extinct)

Red colobuses

Western red colobus
Pennant's red colobus

Nigerian red colobus

Preuss's red colobus

Zanzibar red colobus

Central African red colobus

Ugandan red colobus

Tana river red colobus

Udzungwa red colobus

Bouvier's red colobus

Zanzibar red colobus

The Zanzibar red colobus is an endangered subspecies of rd colobus native to the archipelago of Zanzibar and is also known as the Kirk's red colobus. The colobus would have been the prey for the recently extinct Zanzibar leopard.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

My favorite African extinct animals

Cryptoprocta Spelea

Giant aye-aye

Atlas bear

Zanzibar leopard

Where jaguars live



Central America

South America

Europe (Extinct but prehistoric)

Youtube videos that have evidence of Cryproprocta Spelea

Hansel the fossa

What is a fossa? Madagascar

All about Cryproprocta Spelea

Cryproprocta Spelea (Giant Fossa) [My Video]

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Friday, November 13, 2015

Distinct subspecies of the side striped jackal

Sundevall jackal

Canis Adustus Bweha

Central African jackal

Gray jackal

Kafue jackal

Canis Adustus Lateralis

East African side striped jackal

Side striped jackal

The side striped jackal is a jackal species native to Africa. Both black backed jackals and Side striped jackals live only in Africa but the golden jackal lives in both Eurasia and Africa and its subspecies only live in Eurasia (Europe and Asia). The black backed is smaller than the side striped. Side striped jackals are more silent that black backed jackals and golden jackals.

Black backed jackal

The black backed jackal is a jackal species native to South and East Africa. Not to be confused with the Cape jackal or the East African black backed jackal, which are 2 distinct subspecies of the black backed jackal. It is one of the 3 jackal species you'll find in Eastern Africa. This is a Cape jackal feeding on a gazelle carcass.

Arctic reindeer

The Arctic reindeer, also known as the East Greenland reindeer, is an extinct subspecies of reindeer that lived in Eastern Greenland. It was declared extinct in 1900. There is another extinct subspecies of reindeer called the Queen Charlotte island caribou which went extinct 8 years later. I noticed this species from Lost animals of the 20th century. The reindeer's skin was generally grayish or dirty white with a darker brownish back but its most striking feature was its antlers.

3 books that have animals that slip through the slot

A squirrel's tale

There's a mouse about the house

A fox's adventure (Made by me)

Island raccoons

Bahamian raccoon

Barbados raccoon (Extinct)

Cozumel raccoon

Guadeloupe raccoon

Tres Marias raccoon

Gray whale subspecies

Atlantic gray whale (Extinct)

Eastern gray whale

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

My books made by me

A fox's adventure

Facts about extinction

Lilly Tilly Taxi 

Giant rice rats that belong in the genus Megalomys

Barbuda giant rice rat

Curacao giant rice rat

Martinique giant rice rat

Santa Lucian giant rice rat

Barbados giant rice rat 

Bermuda saw whet owl

The Bermuda saw whet owl is an extinct species of owl native to the island of Bermuda. It was the last known animal that went extinct ever. It went extinct on the 29th of August, 2014. This is actually a picture of a Northern saw whet owl. There is another species that went extinct in 2014 called the Acalypha Wilderi.

Extinct pigeons

Mauritius blue pigeon

Passenger pigeon

Wood pigeon

Liverpool pigeon

Rudyard Kipling's main stories

The Jungle book

Rikki Tikki Tavi

The White seal

Toomai of the elephants

Canids of Mexico


Mexican wolf

Gray fox

Cozumel fox

Kit fox

Golden toad

The golden toad was a small true toad that was once abundant in a small, high altitude region about 4 square kilometers in an area north of the city of Monterverde, Costa Rica. It was endemic to Elfin cloud forest. It is also called the Monte verde toad, Alajuela toad, and orange toad. It was declared extinct on May 15th, 1989 and it also went extinct in 2004. It is one of the 6 extinct animals on film. This is a picture of a male golden toad. The 6 extinct animals on film are the Heath hen, thylacine, Laysan rail, golden toad, baiji, and Western black rhino.

Extinct ungulates from Lost animals of the 20th century

Queen Charlotte island caribou

Caucasian wisent

Burchell's zebra

Merriam's elk

Audubon's badlands bighorn sheep

Schombergk's deer

Syrian wild ass

Portuguese ibex

Rufus gazelle

Cape red hartebeest

Shansi sika deer

Arctic reindeer



Extinct marsupials from Lost animals of the 20th century


Toolache wallaby

Pig footed bandicoot

Crescent nail tailed wallaby