Monday, August 31, 2015

The only food some herbivores eat

Pandas only eat bamboo

Hippos only eat grass

Koalas only eat Eucalyptus leaves

Giant aye-aye

The giant aye-aye (Daubentonia Robusta) is an extinct giant relative of the living aye-aye (Daubentonia Madagascariensis) native to Madagascar. It died out about over 1,000 years ago due to human combinations and habitat loss. As of 2004, giant aye-aye remains consisted of 4 incisors, a tibia, and postcranial material. The species is known from subfossil bones found in a variety of caves in Southern and Southeastern Madagascar outside the living species' indigenous range. There were a few sites with D. Madagascariensis, but there is no evidence that the 2 lived at the same time. It may have died out as recently as the 1930's.

Extinct Mustelids

Sea mink

Japanese river otter

Barbados raccoon

Common raccoon subspecies

Eastern raccoon

Key Vaca raccoon

Florida raccoon

Snake river valley raccoon

Texas raccoon

Barbados raccoon

Baja California raccoon

Mexican plateau raccoon

Upper Mississippi raccoon

Torch key raccoon

Matecumbe raccoon

Maria Madre island raccoon

St. Simon island raccoon

10,000 islands raccoon

Bahamian raccoon

Mississippi delta raccoon

Pacific Northwest raccoon

Colorado desert raccoon

California raccoon

Isthmian raccoon

Short faced raccoon

Vancouver island raccoon

Chipmunk species

Siberian chipmunk

Eastern chipmunk

Allen's chipmunk

Alpine chipmunk

Buller's chipmunk

California chipmunk

Cliff chipmunk

Colorado chipmunk

Durango chipmunk

Gray collared chipmunk

Grey footed chipmunk

Hopi chipmunk

Least chipmunk

Lodgepole chipmunk

Long eared chipmunk

Palmer's chipmunk

Panamint chipmunk

Merriam's chipmunk

Red tailed chipmunk

Siskiyou chipmunk

Sonoma chipmunk

Uinta chipmunk

Yellow cheeked chipmunk

Yellow pine chipmunk

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Saturday, August 29, 2015

3 pictures of extinct animals that have been taken in captivity

Japanese sea lion - Taken in Tenji zoo, Osaka, Japan 1971

Caribbean monk seal - Taken in N.Y. aquarium, C.A. 1910

Thylacine - Taken in Washington DC 1906

Laotian rock rat

The Laotian rock rat, also known as kha-nyou or rat squirrel, was thought to be extinct for 11,000,000 years but it is classified as endangered and was rediscovered in 2005. In 2006, the classification of the rock rat was disputed by Mary Dawson. My 1st post of this animal is in my 5th post about extinct animals that were thought to be extinct.

Sea mink

The Sea mink (Neovison Macrodon), also known as the shall heap mink, was a large reddish furred mink with a distinctive odor and a slightly bushy tail. This mink was related to the American mink and was native to the Atlantic coasts of North America such as the Northeastern United States and Newfoundland, Canada. It preferred rocky coasts and islands and was nocturnal and solitary. The sea mink probably consumed a greater portion of sea bird eggs, sea birds, and hard bodied vertebrates than the modern day American mink. Its extinction was caused by over hunting, first by the Native Americans that left its remains by shall heaps by the coasts, and then by the European settlers for the fur trade. The furs were measured, combed out, and stitched to form magnificent coats. It was thought to be a height and fashion to wear a mink coat. It was classified to be a subspecies of the American mink and is way larger than the European mink. The European mink is the smallest mink and the sea mink is the largest. All minks are solitary. It is one of the 2 historic extinct Carnivores to become extinct along with the Falklands wolf. The 4 mink species are the American, European, Sea, and Siberian weasel. Despite the European mink having the same name, built, and behavior, the European mink is not closely related to the American mink, being much closer to the European polecat and Siberian weasel. Do you wish to bring this sea Mustelid back to life? Leave a comment and let me know. For all of my posts with short information, comment to me for more information and I'll look up some more information. It was 80 centimeters long. I want to resurrect this amazing predator from extinction so that it can restore balance on the Atlantic coast. Also, sea otters live in the North Pacific and sea minks lived in the North Atlantic. If they were alive again, would you still kill them? Resurrecting and reintroducing rules: the issues that caused the extinction must no longer be a threat. True minks are only native to North America. However, the American mink was introduced to Europe and South America. After they became rare, hunters turned on the American mink.

Subspecies of the striped hyena

Indian striped hyena

Barbary striped hyena

Sudanese striped hyena

Arabian striped hyena

Syrian striped hyena

Friday, August 28, 2015


Megaladapis, also known as the koala lemur, is one of the 5 extinct giant lemurs along with the monkey lemur, sloth lemur, giant aye-aye, and giant ruffed lemur. It was about the size of a black bear and went extinct around 700 years ago due to hunting and loss of habitat. Humans arrived in Madagascar around 2,000 years ago and there are now over 20,000,000 people living on Madagascar. The skull was unique to other primates and its lips were quite similar to that of a rhinoceros.


The thylacine (Thylacinus Cynocephalus) was the largest carnivorous marsupial of modern times and is also called the Tasmanian tiger because of its stripes or the Tasmanian wolf because of its body shape. Native to the Australian mainland, Tasmania, and Papua New Guinea and is declared extinct in 1936. In 1930, Wilf Betty shot the last wild thylacine and the last captive one died in The Hobart zoo in September 7th 1936. Millions of years ago there were 5 species of thylacines and by 8,000,000 years ago, there were 3 species left and by 5,000,000 years ago, there was 1 kind left and by 4,00 years ago, the last thylacine on the mainland died out. It can still exist in the remote forests of Tasmania. European settlers thought they killed their sheep but the domestic dogs did it and some people still think the thylacines ate their sheep. And this picture of thylacines was taken in Washington DC in 1906. And thylacines only ate wild animals including kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, and birds. Marsupials aren't just found in Australia, they are also found in the Americas including the opossum, and the possum is the only marsupial native to the Americas. Marsupials used to live in Antarctica and then 50 million years ago, the climate changed and their habitat disappeared. When the continents split apart, Tasmania was actually a piece of Antarctica that escaped the big freeze and Australia and Antarctica were the last continents to separate. There have been sightings in mainland Australia and Tasmania. Its name in Spanish means "Marsupial Wolf". Lobo is the Spanish word for wolf.

Japanese macaque

The Japanese macaque or snow monkey is a terrestrial old world monkey species native to Japan. It is Japan's only native primate and they live in colder climates and they are the only primates that can live that far north. They have brown-gray fur, red faces, and short tails.


The mokele-mbembe was a plesiosaur-like and also sauropod-like creature and was a large, long necked, long tailed reptile that was said to live deep in the Congo rain forest of Central Africa. It was a dinosaur and a pygmy tribe killed one of the mokele-mbembes near Lake Tele and it took them days to cut up the flesh. In 1992, a Japanese expedition traveled to Lake Tele and they were looking for the dinosaur but I know it can't be living still because it's extinct. The pygmy tribe ended up killing one of the Mokele-mbembes in 1959.  It became extinct 65,000,000 years ago in the late Cretaceous period.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Woolly mammoth

The woolly mammoth was an elephant-like creature that lived in Eurasia and North America and it was roughly the same size as modern African elephants just like the dire wolf was roughly the same size as modern gray wolves. Due to a combination of hunting and climate change, the last known mainland mammoths died in Siberia nearly 10,000 years ago. However isolated populations survived on Wrangel island in the arctic ocean until 4,000 years ago and the last mammoth died in 2,000 b.c. and in 2013, they found a mammoth found in ice with meat still fresh.

Extinct woodpeckers

American ivory billed woodpecker

Cuban ivory billed woodpecker

Imperial woodpecker

Extinct gray wolves

Florida black wolf (1908)

Japanese wolf (1905)

Manitoba wolf (1916)

English wolf (1743)

Hokkaido wolf (1889)

Great plains wolf (1927)

Texas wolf (1942)

Bernard's wolf (1952)

Kenai peninsula wolf (1925)

Mogollon mountain wolf (1939)

Newfoundland wolf (1911)

Cascade mountain wolf (1940)

Southern Rocky Mountain wolf (1937)

Gregory's wolf (1948)

Austro-Hungarian wolf (1894)