Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Dinosaur extinction

There was a 10 kilometer wide meteor that smashed into earth and killed the dinosaurs and the lemurs and the other animals of Madagascar used to live in Africa and arrived in Madagascar. The lemurs survived the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs and there are 3 dinosaur periods such as the Permian, Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous period. The dinosaurs would have been able to evolve into birds. This might sound weird but the Tyrannosaurus Rex's closest living relative is the chicken.

Filmrise nature

Africa From The Ground Up

Animals In Danger

Ultimate Journeys

Lost Animals Of The 20th Century

2 Worlds

Animal Survivors

Human Nature

Monday, June 29, 2015


The fossa (Cryptoprocta Ferox) is a cat-like carnivorous mammal endemic to Madagascar. It is actually more related to the mongoose instead of a feline. It is now an endangered species as of 2011 of up to 2,500 individuals left in the wild. The fossa is the largest carnivore of Madagascar and are the major predator of lemurs. I've 1st heard about the fossa from the DreamWorks film, Madagascar. They resemble that of a cat as well as some other animals such as rats, dogs, hyenas, mongooses, monkeys, and other animals. The fossa, along with the aye-aye, have very long body parts including the tail and finger, and have bigger relatives of their own, which are now extinct. The island of Madagascar is now in deep trouble because the island is losing its species' habitat and its species are going extinct. 85% of Madagascar's forests have been destroyed by Indonesian settlers. There are over 20,000,000 people living in Madagascar and were originally from Indonesia 2,000 years ago. This is a fossa from a zoo in England. It was 1st described in 1833 by an English zoologist named Edward Turner Bennett.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Amur leopard

The Amur leopard (Panthera Pardus Orientalis), also known as the Far Eastern leopard, Korean leopard, Manchurian leopard, or Siberian leopard, is a critically endangered cat and is the rarest big cat in the world and it lives in the Amur or Ussuri region in Siberia, Manchuria, and Korea and there were 35 Amur leopard left in the wild and 300 in captivity. African leopards would never survive there and the Russian cats have thick fur to shield them from the cold. We must do everything to protect this beautiful cat from extinction! If we don't preserve nature, nature won't preserve US! The rarest small wild cat is probably the Iriomote cat of Iriomote island in Japan. In fact, it is one of the 2 leopards native to Russia along with the Persian leopard, which is also endangered. And 4 leopards found in China along with the Indian, North Chinese, and Indochinese. It is also one of the 7 Panthera cats found in Russia along with the Asiatic lion, Siberian tiger, Persian leopard, Caspian tiger, Anatolian leopard, and Snow leopard. The Asiatic lion is no longer found in Russia, it is now only found in Northeastern India like the Asiatic cheetah is now only found in Iran and those lions and cheetahs both used to live in India and Iran. The last cheetahs in India were killed in 1948 and like the recently extinct Honshu wolf of Japan, the Asian cheetahs worked with humans and were betrayed as vicious. The Siberian tigers were saved from extinction in the 1940's and there were probably 40 left but right now, there are fewer than 500 left and that is as endangered as the Ethiopian wolf and Iberian lynx. I don't know when the last lion in Iran died. The leopard is more endangered than the tiger. The Snow leopard's scientific name might be Panthera Uncia or Uncia Uncia but it's not completely a Panthera big cat and they are found in Southern Russia, Central and South Asia. All the Russian Panthera cats are on the ICUN red list and one of them is extinct and that's the Caspian tiger. This is an Amur leopard at the Colchester zoo in England. The Indian leopard is no longer found in China. I got some good news and bad news; The bad news is that in 2007, there were 19-26 Amur leopards left in the wild but the good news is that there are now 70 left in the wild; 50 left in Russia, 20 left in China, and no longer found in Korea. The Persian leopard is the largest of all leopards and the smallest is the Arabian. The Arabian leopard is also critically endangered! The Amur leopard is also one of the 8 big cats of Russia along with the Asiatic cheetah, Asiatic lion, Persian leopard, Snow leopard, Siberian tiger, Anatolian leopard, and Caspian tiger. The Caspian tiger is extinct and that endemic big cats of Russia lived in the Caucasus and the cheetah and lion also lived there. The cheetah now only lives in Iran and the lion now only lives in India!

Snow leopard

The snow leopard (Panthera Uncia/Uncia Uncia) is a rare majestic animal that lives in the mountains of Central and South Asia and they are endangered and there are only 2,500 left in the world and in Nepal, there are 300 left. In the movie Kung-fu panda, did you know that Tai-lung was a snow leopard? I know that he's a bad guy in the movie but I feel a little bad for him when he got defeated because the snow leopard is endangered and I know that Kung-fu panda is just a movie and when a bad guy endangered animal of a movie gets defeated their numbers fall and if there are 0 left they'll go extinct. If the snow leopard was to go extinct then its prey would eat all the plants and if they eat all the plants they will die because then there are no plants to grow and the prey will starve and predators are important to nature. And leopards are found in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. And I saw a cute snow leopard cub video. Oh and I noticed a snow leopard named Leo. The snow leopard is not a leopard at all, they are more closely related to tigers. It also lives in Southern Russia and it is one of the 7 Panthera big cats native to Russia along with the Caspian tiger, Persian leopard, Asiatic lion, Siberian tiger, Anatolian leopard, and Amur leopard. The Caspian tiger is extinct and the Asiatic lion is now only found in Northwestern India and they both lived in the Caucasus.

Ethiopian wolf

The Ethiopian wolf (Canis Simiensis) is an endangered canine native to the Ethiopian highlands. Only fewer than 500 Ethiopian wolves remain and I don't know how many big headed mole rats are left. It is similar to the coyote in size and build, and is distinguished by its long narrow skull, and its red and white fur. Unlike other wolves, Ethiopian wolves hunt alone so their pack splits up and they hunt big headed mole rats and other rodents. The Mexican wolf is more beautiful than the Ethiopian and is the most beautiful wolf I've ever seen! It's endangered too. There are 2 subspecies of the Ethiopian wolf such as the Northern and Southern. It is either a wolf, jackal, or fox.


Tarpans (Equus Ferus Ferus), also known as Eurasian wild horses, are extinct subspecies of wild horse found in Europe and Russia. This is an only known photo of an alleged live tarpan, which may have been a hybrid of a feral animal in 1884. The last tarpan died in 1909 in Russia. They even used to live in the UK until 7000 BC. It is one of the 21 amazing extinct animals that ruled the United Kingdom along with brown bears, aurochs, moose, wolverines, wolves, lynxes, Irish elk, cave lions, mammoths, and more.

Cats of Korea

Leopard cat

Eurasian lynx

Siberian tiger

Amur leopard

Falkland islands wolf

The Falkland islands wolf (Dusicyon Australis), also known as the warrah, Falkland islands dog, Falkland islands fox, Antarctic wolf, Malvinas fox, or Falklands warrah fox, was the only native land mammal in the Falkland islands and it only ate ground nesting birds, insects, and seashore scavenging. And settlers thought they ate their livestock and it lived on the islands for over 330,000 years from the Pleistocene to the recent times. It was declared extinct in 1876 and there was a captive warrah which lived in the London zoo for 5 years. Like the dodo, Mexican grizzly bear, and bulldog rat, it had no fear of man. They were easy to kill because people would lure them in and stab them and they weren't dangerous to people and people also would kill them because of their kindness, occasionally, they were hunted for their coats as well. The Falklands had the coolest, gentlest canids in the world and now they're gone. If the warrah was still alive, you can even pet them but you can't keep them as pets because they belong in the wild and the Falklands are similar to Patagonia and it has Antarctic wildlife there like penguins, seals, skuas, killer whales, great white sharks and other animals. Great white sharks of the Falklands live off the southwestern coast. The Falklands have no native reptiles and amphibians. In 1690, John Strong from the ship caught a young wolf alive and it was fed and cared for on the ship but during the voyage back to Europe, the fox became frightened by the firing of the ship's cannon and jumped overboard. They used fire on the islands to scare them away and only 11 specimens were known. In 1833, as settlement increased, Charles Darwin warned "This fox will be classed with the dodo, which is an animal which has perished from the face of the earth". The Falkland islands wolf wasn't really a wolf or a fox, it was actually just a dog and people called it a wolf because of the shape of its skull. Its closest living relative is the maned wolf. The warrah was twice as large as English foxes. I think it would rather be called the Falkland islands dog rather than Falkland islands wolf or fox. There might have been another native land mammal of the Falklands that may have roamed there in prehistoric times. According to Lin Sagovsky, it would have survived until 1900. The culpeo or Andean fox has been introduced to the Falklands and the maned wolf, which is it's closest living relative, separated the Falklands around 6.7 million years ago. The 1st recorded sighting of the Antarctic wolf was in 1690. People call it the Antarctic wolf because the islands have Antarctic wildlife there and also, the archipelago is close to Antarctica but it's closer to South America. It might have been a wolf or a fox but like I said, it's more of just a dog. With John Strong, he was an English mariner that always went from Europe to South America and he named the Falkland sound for Anthony Cary, 5th viscount of Falkland, a part owner in the welfare. The warrah's scientific name translates "Foolish dog from the south". There are 2 distinct subspecies of the wolf such as the West Falkland island wolf (Dusicyon Australis Australis) and the East Falkland island wolf (Dusicyon Australis Darwini) and no one knows exactly how the Antarctic wolf arrived in Southern South America. It was also one of the 1st canine to become extinct in recent times. It was different from the arctic wolf or Melville islands wolf (Canis Lupus Arctos). Its prehistoric relative in Dusicyon Avus. The warrah and D. Avus were the only canines that belong in the genus Dusicyon. No one knows how the Falklands warrah foxes arrived there but they were unique to the islands. I guess it looked like a red fox but with a smaller tail. Maybe it lived in the very Northern tip of the Antarctic peninsula as well. Its extant relatives are the South American gray fox, maned wolf, and culpeo. Canis Antarcticus is an invalid scientific name that includes the Australian dingo and Falkland islands wolf.

Arizona jaguar

The Arizona jaguar (Panthera Onca Arizonensis) lived in Arizona, New Mexico, and Sonora. It was larger, longer and heavier than other jaguars in Latin America. Living in that more open habitat, the Arizona jaguar was more sandy in color than the jaguars in Latin America and its head was more rounded and with such legs, the jaguars could run fast and climb well and their homes were in dens and caverns and all jaguars like a diet of fish but in the arid deserts of Arizona, they were harder to find. The Native American tribes feared and revered the Arizona jaguar. The Arizona jaguar weighed 150 kilograms and 1.5 meters larger and its range was written by James J. Audubon, the famous American naturalist. It was hunted nearly to extinction in 1905. I noticed the species in a British show called Lost animals of the 20th century. European settlers brought sheep with them and the jaguar was a threat to them. There was more than 1 reason for killing the jaguars, wealthy ladies desired coats and jackets made from the beautiful skins but the coats never looked as good on the rich. Jaguars are the only member of the genus Panthera native to the Americas. Jaguars live in jungles but they are also found in the deserts of North America including Mexico, Arizona, New Mexico, California, and Texas. The word jaguar comes from the Native American Indian word "Yaguara" meaning "beast who catches its prey in a single leap." Jaguars used to be found everywhere in Mexico, even in Baja California and I saw its current and historical range. Some people call jaguars the American leopard or Ninja cat because jaguars are sly like foxes and people do call coyotes the American jackal. I'm gonna tell you the difference between jaguars and leopards, leopards are from Africa, Asia, and the M.E. (Middle East) and jaguars are from The Americas and extinct in Europe in prehistoric times. Leopards have rosettes without spots inside and jaguars have broken rosettes with spots inside. Jaguars are also one of the national animals of Mexico. Once, the Ancient Mayans believe that stars were spots on a big cat's coat. In 1997, jaguars were declared endangered in the United States.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Lost animals of the 20th century

Some animals in this show are actually endangered.


Pink headed duck

Barbary lion

Caribbean monk seal


Queen Charlotte island caribou

Hawaiian o-o

Hispanolian nesophont

New Zealand grayling

Lord Howe island starling

Bulldog rat

Gilbert's potoroo

Passenger pigeon

Wake island rail

Aldabra giant tortoise

Bonin wood pigeon

Caucasian wisent

Blackfin cisco

Honshu wolf

Burchell's zebra

Carolina parakeet

Bali tiger

Arizonan jaguar

Merriam's elk

Audubon's badlands bighorn sheep

Arabian ostrich

Guam flying fox

Heath hen

Culebra Amazon parrot

Syrian wild ass

Moorean tree snail

St. Helena giant earwig

Laughing owl

Pig footed bandicoot

Kona giant looper moth

New Zealand bush wren

Israel painted frog

Scombergk's deer

Ivory billed woodpecker

Lanai omao

Round island boa

Green solitaire

Guadalupe caracara

Newfoundland wolf

Mexican grizzly bear

Toolache wallaby

Florida black wolf

Cape Verde giant skink

Bergman's bear

Great plain wolf


California grizzly bear

Sea mink

Caspian tiger

Barbados raccoon

Portuguese ibex

Gastric brooding frog

Long tailed hopping mouse

Delande's coucal

Rufus gazelle

Labrador duck

Cape red hartebeest

Nigerian pygmy hippo

Philippine bare backed fruit bat

Shansi sika deer

June sucker fish

Arctic reindeer

Paradise parrot

Guadalupe flicker

Gull island vole

Lake Titicaca orestia

Antigua burrowing owl

Vegas valley frog

Dusky seaside sparrow

Crescent nail tailed wallaby

St. Helena dragonfly

Riffle shell fresh water mussel

Seychelles swallowtail butterfly

Southern California kit fox

Atitlan grebe

Martinique giant rice rat


Falkland islands wolf

Azuero spider monkey

Guadalupe storm petrel

Ash meadow killifish

Rodreguez day gecko

Laysan rail

Lord Howe island stick insect

Desert rat kangaroo

Jamaican iguana

Eskimo curlew

Narborough giant tortoise

Madagascan serpent eagle

Canary island oystrycatcher


Japanese river otter (Lutra Lutra Whiteleyi)

The Japanese river otter (Lutra Lutra Whiteleyi) was discovered in the 1880's and it was even seen in Tokyo and its population began to decrease in the 1930's and became rare in the 1970's and it was declared extinct in different years just like the American ivory billed woodpecker. And how the Japanese river otter became extinct are the hunting and polluted rivers. And I thought it was declared extinct in 1959 and then it was declared extinct in 1979, 1991, and then 2012, and the ivory billed woodpecker was declared extinct in the 1920's, then the 1940's, 1950's, and then 2004. The otter apparently fed on fish, crabs, shrimp, eels, beetles, watermelons, and sweet potatoes. It was a subspecies of the Eurasian otter. The Japanese river otter is one of the 22 extinct otters. There is another extinct otter of Japan and that's the Japanese otter (Lutra Nippon). The last one was seen on August 28th, 2012.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Hokkaido wolf

The Hokkaido wolf (Canis Lupus Hattai), known in Japan as the Ezo wolf and in Russia as the Sakhalin wolf, is a possibly extinct subspecies of Canis Lupus native to the Northeast Asian Pacific. The wolf primarily lived on the 2 islands of Hokkaido and Sakhalin, possibly the Kamchatka peninsula, and the Kuril islands such as Iturup and Kunashir. It was viewed as a threat to livestock, which the Meiji government promoted and what the wolves would also do is get into the crops, which was very important. It went extinct on Hokkaido island in 1889 during the Meiji restoration period. The Hokkaido wolf was larger than the Honshu wolf, more approaching the size of a regular gray wolf. The Japanese and Russians poisoned the wolves with chemicals. The Japanese wolf would have been competed by those bears of Japan including the Ussuri brown bear of Hokkaido and Asian black bear of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. The Japanese wolves mainly fed on deer, wild boar, rodents, foxes, raccoon dogs, serow, berries, and maybe even Japanese macaques (Snow monkeys) and Formosan rock macaques. The Ezo wolf mainly feed on deer, boar, rabbits, macaques, the wolverines of Russia, and birds. Wolves have arrived on Japan less than 14,00 years ago. It was classified as a subspecies of the gray wolf since 1931 by a Japanese zoologist named Kyukichi Kishida. These wolves were descended from those mainland Siberian wolves and were usually a light gray or tannish grey color like its mainland relatives. A large number of deer starved to death in 1878 and 1879 because of a heavy snow, having a great negative affect on the wolves. They lived in the mountains as well in the forests and plains. Sakhalin and Kamchatka are both in Russia. The bears that would compete with the Hokkaido wolf are the Ussuri brown bear, Kamchatka brown bear, and the Bergman's bear. The Bergman's bear is also extinct and it weighed heavier than a polar bear and was declared extinct in 1920. The wolves that probably lived in the Amur region would have also been competed with the Siberian tiger and the Amur leopard. The Formosan rock macaque has been introduced to Japan. The Amur or Ussuri region is in Siberia, Manchuria, and Korea. This wolf was mostly grey looking more like its mainland relatives. They also had a reddish brownish collar all the way to its paw. They were slightly bigger than a coyote and Ethiopian wolf. In Spanish, it's called "Lobo de Ezo". Lobo is a Spanish word that means wolf. The Ezo wolf was 3 ft tall at the ear. It was about the same size as those American and Eurasian wolves. A pair of stuffed Ezo wolves including a male killed in August 1879 in Shiroishi-ku and a female killed in June 1881 in Toyohira district are at the Hokkaido botanical gardens university. The Hokkaido wolf was more wolf like in its appearance than the Honshu wolf. Okammi is the Japanese word for wolf. A study of Sakhalin wolf morphology showed that it was similar in size to the gray wolves of the Asian and North American continents. Analysis of their mitochondrial DNA showed them to be identical with gray wolf specimens from Canada, Alaska, and the USA, indicating that the ancestor of the Sakhalin wolf was genetically related to those North American wolves. The Hokkaido wolf separated from the wolves of North America around 5,700-13,700 years ago. Ezo wolves colonized Japan more recently than the Honshu wolves from the Asian mainland during the last glacial period and wolves have arrived on Sakhalin island around 10,000 years ago at the end of the ice age. The Tsugaru strait was 3 km wide during the end of the ice age, which prevented the wolves colonizing Honshu and the Amur region. We gotta resurrect the extinct wolves of the Japanese countryside to restore some balance. The Hokkaido lived in Japan for less than 23 thousand years from the Pleistocene to the Meiji Restoration period. It is claimed that the Hokkaido wolves survived on Sakhalin and the Kuril islands since 1945. The Kurilian government claims that recent sightings are only foxes and domestic dogs. The last Hokkaido specimen was shot in 1889 and it was 1st described in 1931 by a Japanese zoologist named Kyukichi Kishida. Raising the possibility that some may still survive in the remote wilds of Sakhalin. Nobody knows when the last Kamchatka specimen died. According to the Soviet zoologist Vladimir Heptner, the wolves did not live on Sakhalin at the beginning of the 20th century, with vagrant specimens of Siberian forest wolf occasionally crossing into the island via the Nevelskoy Strait, though not permanently setting. A Soviet zoologist named Vladimir Heptner wrote that the wolves of Kamchatka, where the Hokkaido wolf's range is supposed to have encompassed) are just as large as the Eurasian wolf (Canis Lupus Lupus), with light gray fur with dark guard hairs running along the back. If the Ezo wolf is really still alive in Sakhalin, we can reintroduce them back to Hokkaido island. It would have been able to confront with the Sakhalin huskies, Eurasian lynxes, brown bears, and wolverines living in Sakhalin and Kamchatka. The subspecies went extinct because of habitat loss and hunting. The Kurilian government has been claiming that the sightings are dogs since the 1960's. They gave birth of up to 5 to 6 pups. In Ainu culture, wolves were sacrificed in "Sending Away". The lost wolves of Japan that might still exist are probably hybrids.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Extinct animals that went extinct in different years

Ivory billed woodpecker (1920's-1940's-1950's-2004)

Japanese river otter (1959-1979-1991-2012)

Guadalupe caracara (1900-1903)

Pyrenean ibex (2000-2009)

3 best known Asiatic black bear subspecies

Formosan black bear

Baluchistan black bear

Japanese black bear

Extinct animals that may still roam the earth

Javan tiger (1980's)

Baiji (2006)

Thylacine (1936)

Japanese wolf (1889-1905)

Japanese river otter (unknown)

Caspian tiger (1970's)

Ivory-billed woodpecker (unknown)

Eastern cougar (2011)

Mexican grizzly bear (1964)

Passenger pigeon (1914)

Atlas bear (1870's)

Arizona jaguar (1905)

Quagga (1883)

Great plains wolf (1930's)

Malabar civet (1989)

Barbary lion (1922)

Japanese wolf

The Japanese wolf (Canis Lupus Hodophilax), also known as the Honshu wolf or Hondo wolf, lived on the Japanese islands of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu like most animals in Japan. The Honshu wolf was one of the smallest wolves in the world and it was believed to understand human speech, rewarding good and punishing evil and its population began to decrease in 1732 when rabies were 1st reported on Kyushu and Shikoku. Though declared extinct in 1905, some photographs show specimens surviving until 1910, the 1930's, the 50's, and even the 90's. They worked with people like Asian elephants, Dingoes, Japanese bobtails, some other wolves, and Asiatic cheetahs and they were betrayed as vicious for attacking horses. In the 1990's, people in Japan started hearing howls that many believed to be coming from a wolf. While it was not yet been confirmed, Many think that the wolves may still be roaming out there waiting to be discovered or maybe the howl was coming from a domestic dog. There are 5 mounted specimens in exhibits; 3 in Japan, 1 in The Netherlands, and the last specimen of Nara Prefecture killed in a British museum. There are shrines to the wolf located in Saitama, Shizuoka, and even Tokyo. Both the Hokkaido wolf and Honshu wolf might be alive still! Both of those wolves are extinct and are all subspecies of Canis Lupus. Both Japanese wolves were descended from those wolves of Siberia and North America. The middle number of both wolves arriving in Japan is 52 thousand years ago.  Their fur was similar to domestic dogs, jackals, and even coyotes. The last specimen was killed in Nara prefecture in 1905 and it was a male. Many villages such as Okami'wa (Wolf Rock) and Okamitaria (Wolf Plateau) are named after the wolf. The Hokkaido wolf arrived in Japan more recently than the Honshu wolves. wolves arrived in Japan 75 thousand years ago in the Joman period. One day, a 28,000 year old specimen was found in the Yana river in the arctic circle in Siberia. I hope you guys realize that we are the bad ones not them. This is a picture of a statue of the last Honshu wolf of Nara Prefecture. Speaking of the last specimen of Nara Prefecture and mounted in a British museum, there were regular gray wolves that also used to live in the British and Irish countrysides. The Hokkaido wolves that also lived in Japan also survived on the Russian island of Sakhalin in 1945. The Arabian wolf (Canis Lupus Arabs) is actually the original smallest wolf species so the Honshu wolf was probably the 2nd smallest.

Tiger species

Malaysian tiger

Indochinese tiger

Sumatran tiger

Bengal tiger

Siberian tiger

South China tiger

Bali tiger

Caspian tiger

Javan tiger

Cats of the Amur region

Leopard cat

Amur leopard

Siberian tiger

Eurasian lynx

Himalayan brown bear

The Himalayan brown bear (Ursus Arctos Isabellinus), also known as the Himalayan red bear, Isabelline bear, or dzu-teh, is a critically endangered brown bear subspecies native to Northern Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan, Northern India, Nepal, and Tibet. They are extinct in Bhutan and the bears (as the dzu-teh) is thought to be the source of the mythical creature called the yeti or the abominable snowman. It is considered to be a relative of the Tibetan blue bear.

Kratt brother shows

1. Kratts' Creatures (1996)

2. Zoboomafoo (1999-2001)

3. Be The Creature (2003-2004)

4. Wild Kratts (Since 2010)

Vontsira species

Durrell's vontsira

Brown mongoose

Grandider's mongoose

Animals that were thought to be extinct but are not

1. Laotian rock rat - Thought to be extinct: 11,000,000 BC and rediscovered: 2005

2. Terror skink - Thought to be extinct: 1870 and rediscovered: 2003

3. Chacoan peccary - Thought to be extinct: 9,000 BC and rediscovered: 1971

4. Javan elephant - Thought to be extinct: 16th century and rediscovered: 2003

5. Takahe - Thought to be extinct: 1898 and rediscovered: 1948

6. Coelacanth - Thought to be extinct: 65,000,000 BC and rediscovered: 1938

7. Barbary lion - Thought to be extinct: 1922 and rediscovered: Unknown

8. Jamaican iguana - Thought to be extinct: 1940's and rediscovered: Unknown

9. La Palma giant lizard - Thought to be extinct: 16th century and rediscovered: 2007

10. New Holland mouse - Thought to be extinct: 1843 and rediscovered: Unknown

11. Giant Palouse earthworm - Thought to be extinct: 1980's and rediscovered: Unknown

12. Gracilidris - Thought to be extinct: 2006 and rediscovered: Unknown

3 cool animals of Germany

Knut the polar bear

Paul the octopus

Heidi the opossum

Fennec fox

The fennec fox (Vulpes Zerda), also known as the fennec, is a small nocturnal fox found in the Sahara in North Africa as well as in the Arabian peninsula. The name comes from the Arabic word (Fanak), which means fox, and the species name Zerda comes from the Greek word Xeros which means dry, referring to the fox's habitat. The fennec fox is the national animal of Algeria. It was first described in 1780 by German zooloist Eberhard August Wilhelm von Zimmermann. Due to their cuteness, they are being held in captivity, which is making it difficult to increase its conservation status. For now, they are listed under the category of least concern. They are the smallest of all the foxes and all of the canines. Its mos distinctive feature is its large ears that help it cool down with blood pressure during the heat. Their ears also detect the slightest vibration under ground like a beetle larva. The fox has a lifespan of 14 years in captivity. Most animals live longer lives in captivity than in the wild. In the movie Zootopia, Finnick is a fennec fox and in the show Oscar's Oasis, Popy is also a fennec fox. It's not too confusing to tell what animal they are.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Big leopard-like cats

Jaguar (American leopard)

Cheetah (Hunting leopard)

Snow leopard


Hi, my name is Abe The Conservationist. I'm a zoologist just like the Kratt bros, David Attenborough, Jonathan Bird, Luke dollar, Bindi and Steve Irwin, and other zoologists. I am mostly interested in extinct animals and I study extant species too. I usually learn about these species from YouTube and Wikipedia. I make new posts every day, but not all-time every day. I have more than 50 subscribers and 12,457 views on my YouTube channel. My video that has the most views is my Pizza Planet truck video. I also have a Facebook account: Abe Bender, and a Pinterest account: ABE the Conservationist.